Friday, May 15, 2020

The Matrix And Karl Marxs Allegory Of The Cave - 1631 Words

For thousands of years man has tried to determine what is fact and what is fiction in the world. The Matrix movie conveys what man has been trying to do in a cinematic masterpiece. The creator’s main influences to making The Matrix were Karl Marx and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave (Who Inspired). Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto tries to highlight the social inequalities that have occurred during the industrial revolution between man and machine while Plato’s Allegory of the Cave tries to help inform people that they need to become more self-aware of their oppressors. The film The Matrix combines these two ideas into one experience. The Matrix is a science fiction movie created in 1999 by Andy and Larry Wachowski, now known as Lily and Lana†¦show more content†¦These forms of media range vastly, from the arts to religion. Society only sees this and does not see the base, which is the true perception that determines the superstructure. When Neo and Morpheus go on their journey it pulls back the curtain to show the reality of society. â€Å"Machines enslave humans and use them as a commodity. The matrix is the embodiment of realities super structure.† (McDonnell) The machines promote an ideology of reality to keep the humans from rebelling. Using Marx perspective in the matrix, he says that people are living their normal lives in a capitalist society and not realizing that capitalism is restricting people of their true potential. The film says people need to understand the truth of the world and make their own personal decision on how they feel about the world. Morpheus says, â€Å"I told you I ca n only show you the door, you have to walk through it† (00:53:25). After he says that, Neo then decides to walk through the door. The entire plot of the matrix is base and superstructure of capitalist society by showing the struggle of the workers and the owners of production. The Wachowski’s display this by making humans slaves to the machines so that they can function. Humans are the base in this society. The machines are the upper class and humanity is the lower working-class commodity. The humans’ commodity is the heat that they produce. The superstructure is the media and art of the upper

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