Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pyramus And Thisbe Vs. Romeo And Juliet - 1220 Words

Kevin Lord Josue Prof. Elizabeth Fogle CAMS 045 Final Paper/Final Draft August 15, 2014 Pyramus Thisbe vs. Romeo Juliet Tragic love stories have always been appealing to the literary world. This would be seen in Ovid s Pyramus and Thisbe and William Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet. Ovid, one of Rome’s greatest poets, was famous for The Metamorphoses. His love stories were deeply emotional, yet very tragic. The story of Pyramus and Thisbe is the most emotional story in The Metamorphoses and the most referenced in love tragedy. William Shakespeare s best plays were his tragedies, starting with Hamlet all the way through to Macbeth. No one knows exactly which source Shakespeare directly drew from to create the well-known tragic romance, Romeo and Juliet, but it s pretty clear that somewhere along the way there was some major influence from â€Å"Pyramus and Thisbe.† Both stories, although written in different era share one key theme: love and tragedy. We fall in love and when once we do something rare and beautiful is created. Unfortunately not all love stories have happy endings. The lesso n learned in both Pyramus and Thisbe and Romeo and Juliet stories will be the focus of this essay. Pyramus and Thisbe were lovers whose houses side by side to each other. They were considered so beautiful that â€Å"If you searched all the East, you’d find no girl with greater charm than Thisbe; and no boy in Babylon was handsomer than Pyramus† (Ovid 111). Overtime from livingShow MoreRelatedOvid’s Pyramus and Thisbe Influence on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet816 Words   |  3 Pagestragic plays, Romeo and Juliet. Although Shakespeare may have extremely embellished the story, the plot of Romeo and Juliet is extremely parallel to the one in Ovid’s Pyramus and Thisbe. The two stories share a common theme. And the stories’ conclusion is essentially identical. It is clear to see, apart from Shakespeare’s extra ornate details, that the stories of Romeo and Juliet and Pyramus and Thisbe are extremely related to each other. In Ovid’s story, the parents of Thisbe and Pyramus forbids the

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